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The phenomenon of galactic collision

The galactic collision, and the fact that the reactions are boiling: how formed large galaxies in the space of our vast universe?
galactic collision

When our dreaming eyes have an opportunity to read the starry sky page on dark nights, we usually denounce the silence and regularity that governs the movement of those cosmic objects. But what the sky has hidden from us and concealed for more than 2000 centuries since the presence of the human race on this planet is greater than we can imagine! Although Aristotle, Anaxagoras, Democritus and Abu Al-Rayhan al-Biruni described the Milky Way galaxy as a group of stars more than 2000 years ago, Although William Herschel and his sister Caroline tried to map the galaxy by observing and documenting more than 800 stars and 2,500 cosmic nebulae in the 18th century, none of us would have expected the galaxy to contain more than 100 billion stars, spanning more than 100,000 years Or even to be just one galaxy in a vast universe And has more than 170 billion galaxies. Although these observations and discoveries have stunned human consciousness in the past few decades, they do not compare with the effect of our discovery that the stars, those bright little dots, are generated, some radiate for more than 10 million years and others for more than 10 years. Thousands of years, and then die and explode, the proliferation of chemical elements necessary for the formation of planets and the emergence of life in the global environment.

Our observations of dynamism, change, and change in the life cycle of the stars have shattered that mental image of the sky as a refuge for stillness and inertia, and replaced it with the vision of the universe as a boiler boiling with interactions.

One example of these interactions that the Hubble Space Telescope and other terrestrial and space telescopes have discovered in recent years is the interaction of galaxies with each other, and even, at times, their direct collision.

The galactic collision occurs because of the attractive interaction between two or more galaxies, but because of the non-dense distribution of matter in most galaxies, the collision is not as violent as our human use of the word may suggest. Conversely, in some cases, galaxies can pass through each other without losing much of their original mass. In other cases, the collision may lead to the fusion of the colliding galaxies into one gigantic galaxy of magnitude. Integration occurs when the colliding galaxies do not have enough momentum to continue to move after colliding, resulting in their overlap (because of the gravitational interaction) and forming a single large galaxy. The second set of collisions may be violent and lead to the dispersion of massive numbers of stars into space.

The galactic collision is an important factor in the evolution of galaxies since the creation of the universe about 13.7 billion years ago, as the phenomenon explains the difference and diversity in the sizes, shapes and distribution of galaxies. For example, large galaxies, such as IC1101, were formed as a result of the collision of a number of adjacent small galaxies. The Hungarian collision also helps to stimulate the withdrawal of gases in the galaxies that collide on the condensation and star formation.

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