Breaking News

Now the human breath can be turned into gaseous water

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly has developed a revolutionary water bottle that converts gases from the body into gaseous water.

During the year he spent on the International Space Station, Kelly suffered a lot from the lack of carbonated water because of the high level of carbon dioxide in the vehicle.

This inspired him to develop the bottle with the CO2 removal system available at the International Space Station, and realized that this mechanism could be used to harness the excess levels of carbon dioxide in the earth and convert it into a gaseous liquid.

When he returned to the ground, Kelly continued with Soda Stream, and together they developed a bottle of water that turned the gases released by the body into gaseous liquid.

The bottle uses nanotechnology to convert the excess gas produced by the human body into water immediately. When the user blushes into the bottle, a mechanism in the bottleneck filters off the gases and other unpleasant odors before pumping the liquid with pure carbon dioxide, resulting in fresh, sparkling water, ready to drink.

The Soda Stream Mee is now available on the market and on the company's website for as little as $ 28, according to the British newspaper Mirror Online.

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